This one place where Y worked, it was a fancy college in Detroit. Y knew all about it because Y wanted to go to art school (Pratt) but they wouldn't let me go out of the state, so Y checked this place out. It wasn't called exactly the name it is now - upgraded. Y got married (17) and went to Wayne State across the street. So this fancy place, you had to submit your portfolio to be considered for admission. When Y went to work there, Y expected that the students would be able to draw. OMG they were BAD. In a class, there would be maybe one or two who could draw, one or two who maybe would learn to draw, and the rest must have been in the autobody design department. Or they were being ripped off, like that draw this puppy school by mail. Y want to tell you all my stories about this job. And Y will. Just not now.
When and where did you ever mingle in the figure model milieu? Tell me all the times!!!
Y remember that a long time ago, Y told you that Y would send you a picture of my pretty doll, and Y did not forget.