
Here, Pussy

We have a mutual friend who is Queen of All Wild Pussies, nes ce pas? (Does that fr. make sense?) Y thank you so much for connecting us because she does not freak out when the veil is thin.

Steven Colbert talks to me. One time he looked right at me and his whole face filled the screen and he yelled out SALLY! But so recently he has been talking about mind blowing, which Y just did a few days ago. And it reminded me to tell you that when Y sent you the link to my self-made site, Y did give you complete credit for it. ( Well, not the code part. ) You did show me the beauty and give me a little nudge in the ass. The point Y am trying to get to is you suggested that's why it's so important to me. But it is not so important to me because of that. In fact, only YOU are so important to me. Because you are so important. Simple, nes ce pas?

Y know Y do not hallucinate SC talking to me. And Y know he doesn't know he is doing it. But Y know and Y bet the aforementioned Queen would know it if Y told her.


Anonymous said...

Yo confesso: I have no idea who Steven Colbert is. Pardon my ignorance. Some kind of media figure??

A clue for you: Creative life is the only thing that matters to moi, really. Everything else is an also-ran.

Hope your ween was Hallo. :)

Lesbesquet said...

If he doesn't talk to you, then why would you need to know him?